tamadrummer - I invite you to do your own research before you talk about what you don't know about. Go to https://www.Pubmed.Org and type in two different searches. First type in the word mangosteen, then another search for xanthones. You will find a plethora of "independent" research published about this "sugar water" as you call it. And in fact, something one can do with a bottle of xango to see if it is legit or just a mere "placeebo" is to give it to an animal, such as a dog, who is suffering from arthritis. I have done this myself with my mother-in-laws dog that has severe arthritis in her hips and have personally witnessed within a very short time (a couple of days) a once nearly immobile animal that begin to run again. The dog doesn't lie. Go to this website, and do your own research. You will find out that the mangosteen fruit is the only natural cox-2 inhibitor that we know of. You will also see a study in-vitro that reslulted in on of the mangosteen's xanthones shown to be just as effective as 4 out of five of the current chemo drugs on the market. This was also carried out in a study on luekemia cells. I've read many of your posts that put down natural cures as oppsed to drugs, but I urge you not to be so naive as to think that god did not give us what we need in nature to heal our bodies. And just a word of caution, there is only one product on the market that uses the entire mangosteen as a whole and not just extracts. These other products are inferior by comparison and you probably won't see good results with them.
And tammadrummer, you can email me too if you'd like and I will be happy to point you in the direction of finding the science to back up the claims. Bye the way...A well known drug company is currently working on a drug based on mangosteen extracts (xanthones).